TeamLEAD Release Notes

TeamLEAD June 21st 2017 Release

  • Coach: When coach entered through round location it is displayed but not selected
  • Screen: resize screen when device moved from vertical to horizontal
  • All Modules: When touch date control and select date, user must touch another control to get date control again
  • Reports: Round Report shows results for different values then the filters show
  • Reports: Create new HTML report for Journal
  • Geography Groups: Add Filter to Geography Locations for Geography Names
  • Geography Groups: When adding locations to Geography Groups remove inactive locations
  • Geography Groups: Allow to show more values when displaying Geography Locations
  • Patient Visitation Log: Edits are not being saved for Visitation Logs
  • Coach: Change Date format on Queue to MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM AM/PM
  • TeamLead: Application does not time out on IPad or IPhone
  • Coach Framework: Update the ii Framework and .Net Framework 2.0 to 4.5
  • Security: Change windows authentication to form authentication and authenticate with Active Directory
  • Login: When logging out or timed out, redirect to new login page
  • Service Recovery: Added through Patient Visitation the Service Recovery already contains data, separate by Patient
  • Coach: List should not cause keyboard to pop up
  • Login: Page is not centered on IPad when vertical
  • Offline: Concurrency issue for all modules should update by Modified Date when Synchronization
  • Epay: Add new tile for Epay Punch Information
  • Reports: Journal report filters and export to Excel do not work
  • Home Page: When IPad turned horizontal the tiles do not display correctly
  • Login: Release Note link not showing and both Release Note

TeamLEAD August 16th 2017 Release

  • Next Release